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Today is among the greatest gifts we have ever been given. Let us use each day wisely and refuse to waste a single one by breaking our bad habits and building great new sustainable ones that will open yourself up to achieving more out of life.

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We all aspire to do, be, and have great things. Yet most of us simply are not creating the results we want. What we need to understand and keep at the forefront of our minds is that greatness exists in all of us. It is simply up to us to pull it out of ourselves.

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What is the ultimate expression of a good life? What I can tell you is that the values that make up the foundation of a well lived life does not include money. Friendship is just one of the greatest support systems in the world.

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You will never be 100% ready to change. Don't wait for the 'perfect' time. It will never come. Start today.

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If you are trying to make positive habits or break bad ones, a question you will most likely be asking, is "How long will it take?". This series of articles explores the research and current thinking around how long it takes to make a habit.

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To really be fulfilled and achieve to your potential, you need to do the things that inspire, drive and energise you. Most of us know that.   The real challenge, is how do we achieve it?  How do we manage to find a career that ideally fits in with the things that our closest to our heart?   In his book "Emotional Time: The importance of Gratitude" Carl De Wet looks at a number of things we can do to focus our time on the things that will make us energised.

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It is not too late to reverse your worst habits (stopping smoking, drinking, over-eating, and more) and immediately start living a happier, healthier life. Break your bad habits and build great new sustainable habits with The Life Habit

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We all have habits that have the potential to hold us back from achieving the life that we are capable of living. Here is a fantastic list of habits that you need to free yourself from to reach your potential.

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Don't let bad habits destroy your happiness. Just like creating a bad habit, you can break it and build great new ones. By doing so, you will increase your happiness by leaving what ever it is that is hurting you behind.

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Today is among the greatest gifts we have ever been given. Let us use each day wisely and refuse to waste a single one by breaking our bad habits and building great new sustainable ones that will open yourself up to achieving more out of life.

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We all aspire to do, be, and have great things. Yet most of us simply are not creating the results we want. What we need to understand and keep at the forefront of our minds is that greatness exists in all of us. It is simply up to us to pull it out of ourselves.

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It is not too late to reverse your worst habits (stopping smoking, drinking, over-eating, and more) and immediately start living a happier, healthier life. Break your bad habits and build great new sustainable habits with The Life Habit

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10 Things you MUST do if you want to lose weight

Subscribe and download a high quality infographic, "10 things you MUST do if you want to lose weight" 10 things you must do if you want to lose weight - infographic
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