Removing bad relationship habits

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Gary Chapman is a relationship counselor and author of the popular relationship book, the 5 Love Languages. In order for you to have a good marriage, you certainly do not need to be perfect, but you will need to make sure that when the going gets tough and you do make mistakes it is crucial you deal with those old bad habits effectively


Breaking old habits

You don’t have to be perfect to have a good marriage. But, you do need to deal effectively with your failures. Otherwise they sit as barriers to a growing marriage. How do you get rid of past failures? First, you identify them and then write them down. Second, you confess them as wrong–to God and to your spouse. Third, you repent–change your behavior.

How about trying something new in your relationship this week?

To confess this week, and then repeat the same behavior next week, does not remove barriers. It makes things worse. God is in the business of changing lives. Why not sign up for God’s rehabilitation program? Let Him give you the power to break old habits and replace them with acts of kindness and love. You can become the person, your spouse deserves.

Click here for more from Gary Chapman

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